Embracing Vinyl Flooring for Commercial Spaces in Malaysia: A Comprehensive Guide

Mar 31, 2023

Vinyl flooring's versatile nature makes it ideal for a variety of commercial environments, including offices, restaurants, retail stores, and more. As a synthetic flooring material composed of materials such as PVC, fibreglass, and plasticizers, vinyl flooring is known for its durability and easy maintenance. This guide will explore the numerous benefits of using vinyl flooring in commercial spaces in Malaysia, the various types of vinyl flooring options suitable for commercial use, and tips for choosing the right vinyl flooring for your business.


Benefits of Vinyl Flooring in Commercial Spaces

  • Cost-Effective and Easy to Install: Vinyl flooring is cost-effective for commercial spaces, as it is generally less expensive than other flooring materials. It is also easy to install, which can save on labour costs and reduce downtime during installation.
  • Durable and Resistant to Wear and Tear: Vinyl flooring is durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic without showing signs of wear and tear. This durability makes it ideal for commercial spaces such as retail stores, where heavy foot traffic is expected.
  • Versatile Design Options: Vinyl flooring comes in various designs, colours, and textures, making it easy to match the flooring with the interior décor of a commercial space.
  • Low Maintenance and Hygienic: Vinyl flooring is easy to clean and requires minimal maintenance. This feature makes it popular in commercial areas where hygiene is paramount. With vinyl flooring, business owners can maintain a clean and hygienic environment without investing too much time and money into maintenance.
  • Slip Resistance and Safety: Slip resistance is essential in commercial spaces where safety is a top priority, such as restaurants and healthcare facilities. Vinyl flooring with a textured surface provides excellent slip resistance, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.


Types of Vinyl Flooring for Commercial Use in Malaysia

  • Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVT): LVT is easy to install and can withstand heavy foot traffic without showing signs of wear and tear. The durability and versatility of LVT make it a popular choice for commercial spaces such as offices, retail stores, and restaurants.
  • Homogeneous Vinyl Flooring: Homogeneous vinyl flooring is a single layer of vinyl that is consistent in colour and pattern throughout the flooring. Homogeneous vinyl flooring is durable, easy to maintain, and has excellent slip resistance. This type of vinyl flooring is suitable for commercial spaces such as hospitals, schools, and laboratories.
  • Heterogeneous Vinyl Flooring: Heterogeneous vinyl flooring is a multi-layered vinyl flooring that comes in various designs and colours. Heterogeneous vinyl flooring is popular for commercial spaces because of its durability, versatility, and easy maintenance. This type of vinyl flooring suits commercial spaces such as offices, retail stores, and restaurants.
  • Vinyl Plank Flooring: Vinyl plank flooring is a type of vinyl flooring that comes in planks that mimic the look of hardwood flooring. Vinyl plank flooring is durable, versatile, and easy to maintain. This type of vinyl flooring suits commercial spaces such as retail stores, restaurants, and offices.
  • Sports Vinyl Flooring: Sports vinyl flooring is designed for sports facilities such as gyms and indoor sports courts. Sports vinyl flooring is durable, has excellent slip resistance, and provides a cushioned surface for sports activities. This type of vinyl flooring is available in various thicknesses and designs to cater to the specific needs of different sports facilities.
  • Static Control Vinyl Flooring: Static control vinyl flooring is designed for commercial spaces such as data centres, clean rooms, and electronics manufacturing facilities. This type of vinyl flooring helps to prevent static electricity from building up, which can cause damage to sensitive electronic equipment.
  • Loose Lay Vinyl Flooring: Loose lay vinyl flooring is a type of vinyl flooring that does not require adhesive to install. Loose lay vinyl flooring is easy to install and remove, making it popular for commercial spaces that require frequent flooring changes. This type of vinyl flooring suits commercial spaces such as trade shows, events, and pop-up stores.


Choosing the Right Vinyl Flooring for Your Commercial Space

  • Foot Traffic: High-traffic areas require more durable flooring, such as luxury vinyl tiles or homogeneous vinyl flooring. On the other hand, low-traffic areas may use vinyl plank flooring or loose lay vinyl flooring.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Some vinyl flooring require minimal maintenance, while others require regular cleaning and maintenance. Business owners should consider their maintenance capabilities and choose a vinyl flooring that matches their requirements.
  • Style and Design: Business owners should choose vinyl flooring that matches the style of their business. For example, a retail store may opt for vinyl plank flooring that mimics the look of hardwood flooring, while an office may prefer homogeneous vinyl flooring that provides a sleek and modern look.
  • Safety Requirements: Safety is crucial when choosing vinyl flooring for commercial spaces. Slip resistance is a safety feature that business owners should consider. The slip resistance of vinyl flooring can be determined by its texture and finish. Business owners should choose vinyl flooring that provides superior slip resistance to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Budget: Vinyl flooring is generally a cost-effective flooring option. Still, the price can vary depending on the quality, design, and installation requirements. Business owners should assess their budget when choosing vinyl flooring and select an option that provides the best value for their money.



Various vinyl flooring options are available for commercial use, including luxury vinyl tiles, homogeneous vinyl flooring, heterogeneous vinyl flooring, vinyl plank flooring, sports vinyl flooring, static control vinyl flooring, and loose lay vinyl flooring. When choosing vinyl flooring for their commercial space, business owners should consider several factors, such as foot traffic, maintenance requirements, style and design, safety requirements, and budget. With the right vinyl flooring, business owners can create a functional, safe, and attractive environment for their employees and customers.